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Remote Learning for Self Isolation

Miss Frankland will contact you via Tapestry to provide you with links to online learning for Maths, English (including phonics) and additional subjects that may be covered in school that week. Please do let us know if you need help logging into your Tapestry account. 

You can share your child's work with Miss Frankland via Tapestry by adding an observation, which will allow Miss Frankland to give feedback. Please also use Tapestry if you have any questions or would like further support.

There is a guide of an average of 3 hours a day learning time for children in Key Stage 1, but less may be appropriate for some children, especially children in reception.  This is to include a range of learning activities, including outdoor/physical activities.

Useful Websites

Additionally you can access the following websites to support your child's learning:

Reading: https://www.oxfordowl.co.uk/for-home/find-a-book/library-page/  (you may need to create a free account, here you will find lots of books that match your child's current book band)

Phonics Play: https://www.phonicsplay.co.uk/
Unfortunately the phonics play free access has now ended, however, some games are still availble to play.

ICT Games: https://www.ictgames.com/mobilePage/literacy.html
This website has a vaiety of phonics (English) and maths games.

How to upload to tapestry

How to upload to tapestry.mp4
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