Our Christian Values
Friendship, Respect, Compassion
As a Church of England School, our Christian Values underpin all that we do. Our core values are fundamental in helping to develop our children to be responsible citizens of the future.
Our Christian Values are an integral part of our school vision and are key values and attributes that we believe will help all at Long Marston CE Primary to live life in all its fullness.
Friendship is a key value in our school. Friends are not afraid to tell the truth to each other and are always there to help in good times and bad.
How is this lived out at Long Marston CE Primary School?
- Be empathetic, listen to your friend’s thoughts and ideas
- Trust and respect others
- Accept others for who they are
- Support and stay with others, in good times and bad
- Congratulate others and enjoy their success
- Compromise and share
- Be truthful and honest
- Forgive others’ mistakes
We are all different but we are all special, and we celebrate our differences. We treat others as we would like to be treated.
How is this lived out at Long Marston CE Primary School?
- Respect yourself
- Treat others the way you would like to be treated
- Respect others’ thoughts, ideas and beliefs
- Embrace difference
- Look after your belongings and your equipment
- Take care of our school
- Take care of our environment
- Gain respect by giving respect
- Forgive others and seek reconciliation
Compassion is caring about someone else’s feelings and trying our best to understand how others might be feeling, and offering to help that person.
How is this lived out at Long Marston CE Primary School?
- Everyone matters, no one is more important than anyone else
- Take care of others
- Forgive one another
- Use your voice and hands for kindness
- Care for our world and our environment
- Be humble, recognise other people’s achievements
- Think about others, listen to their thoughts and ideas
- Stand in some else’s shoes