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Our Vision

Here at Long Marston CE Primary School, we welcome children, their parents and carers into a friendly, happy and hardworking environment where respect for others and positive attitudes towards learning and behaviour are encouraged and nurtured. At our school all children are valued and all staff work hard to help every child reach their full potential. Through our Christian vision ‘Therefore encourage one another and build each other up, just as in fact you are doing’ we reflect our aim to empower all to flourish and support them to fulfil their God given potential to make the most of the lives they have been gifted by God.

Every child in our school is special. We aim to bring out the best in each of them. We believe passionately in recognising every pupil as a unique individual, each with their own gifts and talents.  Whilst we are open to people of all faiths and none, this belief in the uniqueness of each child and their value as part of God’s creation, means that we are looking to allow their identity and gifts to flourish and we will do all we can to allow that. 

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