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Wrap Around Care

Before and after School Club sessions

Breakfast club runs from 8.00am and costs £3.50. The children can do a variety of activites, including reading, drawing and playing games. 

After School Club is made up of two sessions, the first running from 3.15pm-4.30pm, and the second running until 5.30pm. 

The following activity sessions are being offered currently, from 3.15pm-4.30pm:

Mon - Pick 'n' mix activities

Tues - Lego

Wed - Craft 

Thurs - Sports (Sporting Influence)

Fri - Art 

During the warmer months we do try to get outside as much as possible.  We also have use of the hall for games and physical activities.


We ask that After School Club bookings are made on a half-termly basis to help with planning and preparation. We require parents to complete a booking form, these are available in the school office. 

All pre-booked sessions will be chargeable unless there are exceptional circumstances, subject to agreement with the Headteacher.

Prices (from September 2022)

For collection up to 4.30pm

- £5.00 if booked in advance,

- £6.25 if booked at shorter notice (25% surcharge)

- An additional £1 is charged for craft club to cover materials.

For collection up to 5.30pm

- £11.00 if booked in advance

- £13.75 if booked at shorter notice (25% surcharge)

Late pick-ups after 5.30pm will incur a charge of £5 for every 15 minutes. 

For more information or to make a booking please speak to the school office- admin@longmarston.n-yorks.sch.uk

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