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The sun has arrived!

This will be the final curriculum newsletter of the academic year. What a great year it has been so far! We're looking forward to a brilliant final term. 


In English the children will start the term with a focus on Drew Daywalt and Oliver Jeffers' book "The Day the Crayons Quit". 

After this, the children's writing will be linked to their new topic of terrific toys. 

EYFS will be using Sentence Sam to write full sentences. Year 1 will continue to focus on using punctuation effectively and  Year 2 will be focussing on using conjunctions and appropriate, effective vocabulary. 


This term the children will continue to revise maths skills using the four operations (addition, subtraction, multiplication and division) and explain the reasoning behind the answers. 

We will also link position and direction into our topic of Terrific Toys and Computing when we use beebots

EYFS will be focussing on ordering numbers to twenty and identifying one more and one less.


This term our topic is Terrific Toys! We will learn about our favourite toys, including the materials they are made from, where they were made in the world and how they work. We will also start to look at toys from the past which will hopefully include some toys from parents and grandparents and compare the similarities and differences of these. Later in the summer term, we will even design and make our own toys!

In PSHE we will continue to follow Deedee from 1Decision and learn about relationships. In RE we will continue to learn about Christianity and Islam.


Each child will continue to have an individual reading book each week. This is for your child to read to you at home to practise their reading skills. They will also change their choice books on a Friday, these books are to read at home, possibly as a bedtime story! 
Don’t forget to note down any books you’ve read at home in their reading record too! We love to hear about all books!
Year 1 and Year 2 will continue to have weekly spellings.

A homework task will be sent out related to the Terrific Toys topic.


EYFS will be revising phase 3 sounds writing sentences and exploring reading and spelling longer words. 

Year 1 will recap the phonemes they have already learned as well as being introduced to new sounds and words.

Year 2 will revise their phase 1-5 knowledge and look at spelling patterns, especially with suffixes as well as common exception words.

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